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Kingdom (ex. Lords) HUD Installation Manual

Short instructions

2018 May 30. Lords rebranded to Kingdom recently. We use app name Lords in this document. Please treat it as Kingdom.

Step 1: First download and run the converter as Administrator.

Step 2
: In Holdem Manager 2 (HM2) or Poker Tracker 4 (PT4) within import settings for PokerStars add new folder “lords_hh” which is located the same place as downloaded converter.

Step 3: Follow the tutorial how to properly tune HM2 table hud and adjust stats panels to seat positions.

Step 4: Read about PLAYER ID MATCHING below.

Android Emulators Supported: BigNox, MEmu, LDPlayer (ex. MOMO).

Full instructions

Step 1: Download the converter file.

Step 2:
If there is any warning from Antivirus software, temporarily switch Antivirus off or add download directory into exceptions list.

Step 3: Run downloaded file as Administrator by right-button click.

Step 4: With the first run you will be asked to enter a token which is located in your cabinet or provided by email.

Ex. xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx


After that Converter automatically started and identifies the game type and record hands history when new tables are opened.

Hands history is stored in “lords_hh” folder which is created in the same folder where Converter resides.

Step 5: Add the same folder (“lords_hh”) in HM2  settings for Asian Poker Clubs:


Step 6: HUD will be shown in play window automatically.

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