The Tournaments report displays indvidual tournaments. The default sort order is by Start Time but you can resort by any of the individual columns by clicking on the column heading. If there are any discrepancies in the results due to missing information in the imported hand history files you can manually edit them.
In the following image you can see that I have sorted by ascending Size so that all of the smallest tournaments are at the top of the report. 5 of my HU SNG's were recorded with a Size of 1 instead of 2 and the Winnings are incorrect for the ones I won.
To edit a tournament in the upper datagrid window you can Double-Click it or Right-Click > Edit. I Right-Click on the game from 6/22/2012 and choose Edit from the menu.
Below is an image of the Tournament Editor window and I have circled the 3 cells I need to edit in Red.
It is a HU SNG so I need to Change the Size and Table size fields from 1 to 2, and change the Winnings from 0 to the actual total winnings from the game. Below is an image showing the edited cells before I commit my changes by clicking the OK button.
Here is what the Tournaments report looks like after commiting the changes in the Tournament Editor window.
*Notice that while the 'Winnings' column was updated the 'Net Winnings' did not. This will not be updated properly until you have restarted the software. Once you have restarted the software the Net Winnings should be updated to reflect your edits you made previously. We are working on a solution for this problem and hope to have it resolved soon.