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Filters / More Filters / Advanced Filters


Use Advanced Filters to filter by a large amount of specific situations.


Creating a filter

Initially the Applied Filters section will be empty before creating a filter. First, choose a type of filter from the "Available Filters" section. Press the green + symbol to add it to the bottom section applied filters. Add as many filters as desired.


Removing a filter

To remove a filter, select it in the applied filters section and click the red x.


Additional Filter Options

The Filters can be set to value = true or false. So if it is set to (could 3bet = true). When the filter is applied, it will return all filters where the Current Player could 3bet.

Some of the commonly used Situations in no particular order are:
  • Did Squeeze = True
  • Did Cold Call = True
  • Faced Preflop 3-Bet = True
  • Called Preflop 3-Bet = True
  • Raised Preflop 3-Bet = True
  • BB Steal Defend = True
  • SB Steal Defend = True
  • Did 3-Bet = True
  • Called Preflop 4-Bet = True
  • Raised Preflop 4-Bet = True
While the above are just Preflop Situational Filters, by ticking the applicable street, it will just show filters for that street. Add as many or as little filters as desired.


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